Alice De Bevoise appointed as communication and events officer of EOS

Ms De Bevoise (31), joins EOS from the Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU where she was holding the position of events coordinator for the six-month Italian Presidency of the EU Council.

Ms De Bevoise has  an extensive experience in the woodworking and furniture sector as she worked as EU policy and communication adviser for the Brussels office of FederlegnoArredo for more than three years. She has a good understanding of EU policy-making and previous experiences at the European Parliament and at the Italian Confederation of Employers. Ms De Bevoise has a master’s degree in European law and two executive diplomas in events organisation and she is based in Brussels since 2008.

Ms De Bevoise is committed to taking the role of communication and events officer of EOS and supporting the sawmilling industry. "Alice De Bevoise was chosen to enforce the EOS organization to effectively develop the European sawmilling business communication and organisation of the events and meetings of the association. We were looking for a person that has a versatile and good experience both in the European affairs and working with the national federations. Ms De Bevoise fills all these requirements, spiced with positive grip to move things forward," says EOS secretary general Kimmo Järvinen from EOS.

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