Forestry Sector data 2015 by EUROSTAT
EUROSTAT has released today its 2015 edition of data collection 'The EU in the world'. The report compares the European Union with the 15 non-EU G20 countries across thirteen statistical fields using a range of European and international statistics. The G20 comprises the world’s major advanced and emerging economies. It includes the EU, four EU Member States (Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom) and 15 countries from the rest of the world (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey and the United States). Concerning the FORESTRY SECTOR, the EUROSTAT publication reports that Roundwood production in the EU-28 reached 435 million m3 (12.1 % of the world total) in 2013, making the EU-28 the largest producer within the G20 followed by India, China and the United States. Roundwood production (also known as removals) comprises all quantities of wood removed from the forest and other wooded land, or other tree felling sites. The EU28 was also the largest producer of sawnwood, with an output of 101 million m³ in 2013, equivalent to 23.9 % of the world total. Sawnwood is produced either by sawing lengthways or by a profile-chipping process and, with a few exceptions, is greater than 6 millimetres (mm) in thickness. According to the data provided by EUROSTAT, forests cover within the EU-28 extended to 159.1 million hectares (100 hectares is one km²) in 2010, around 37.3 % of its total land area.
Referring to the environment aspects, the report highliths that EU registered carbon dioxide emissions of 7.4 tonnes per inhabitant in 2012. Australia (17.5 tonnes), the United States (17.1), Saudi Arabia (17.0 in 2010), Canada (15.8), South Korea (12.5), Russia (11.6), Japan (10.0) and South Africa (9.0 in 2010) all generated more emissions per inhabitant than the EU. With 27.8% of gross electricity generated from renewables and waste, the EU was also among the top countries for renewable energy, with only Brazil (82.5%) and Canada (63.3%) having higher proportions
To consult the report “The EU in the world – 2015 edition”, click here
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