DREMA FAIR:Business meeting of the Woodworking Industry in Central-Eastern Europe
The DREMA fair that will take place on 13-16 September 2016 is considered as the biggest business meeting of the woodworking Industry in Central-Eastern Europe. In this occasion the Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry and the International Poznan Fair will create a dedicated pavilion – so called “B2B Wood Meetings” – where companies can be facilitated in getting in contacts with the Polish woodworking industries in order to start an enhanced cooperation.
If you are interested in having a “fully equipped stand (minimum 12m2), entrance cards, company information in the DREMA catalogue, invitation to take part in Branch Evening and much more” and being part of this important event, please do not hesitate to contact EOS Secretariat (silvia.melegari@eos-oes.eu) . We will provide you with all relevant information and help you in getting contact with the Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry.
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