Cumulative cost impact of EU legislation on the sawmill sector
The second phase of the CCA study aiming at assessing the cumulative cost impact of EU legislation on the European forest-based industry, including sawmill industries has been officialy launched. This second phase is composed of an online questionnaire aiming at validating the data so far collected and further reflect the regulatory costs that companies are facing.
This questionnaire is relatively short and quite easy to fill in. Not all questions are mandatory and companies have the possibility to introduce their own comments. (Please be aware that only companies are entitled to respond to the questionnaire.)
Each company is asked to provide one validation only. No commercial information will be shared and confidentiality is guaranteed, as data will only be presented aggregated at EU level.
The link for answering to the survey is the following:
The survey will be closed on Friday 18 March, 2016.
- All EOS Members have been kindly invited to take part to this survey. Should wish to receive further information about the study or if companies have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact EOS secretariat.
Background information on the CCA Study:
The so called "CCA Study" aims at analyzing the cumulative cost impacts of the most relevant EU legislation and policies, which specifically affect the EU forest-based industries including the sawmill industries.It has been contracted by the European Commission to the Technopolis Group. .
Both direct and indirect costs are taken into consideration in two specific time periods:
- Impact to date of existing legal framework (end of 2014): cost-related indicators should cover a 10-year period 2005-2014;
- Likely future impacts of existing legal framework (end of 2014): cost-related indicators should cover 2014-30 for energy and climate policies and 2014-2020 for other policies.
The study in total comprises 8 EU legislative packages, 6 of which have been prioritised as relevant for the wood-working sector:
1. Climate and Energy Policy (EU ETS, Renewable Energy Directive, Biomass Action Plan, etc.)
2. Environmental Policy (Industrial Emissions Directive, BREFs, IPPC Directive, Waste Framework Directive)
3. Forest-related Policy (EU Timber Regulation, FLEGT Regulation, etc.)
4. Labour, Employment and Workers Safety Policy (Health and safety at work, Indicative occupational exposure limit values, etc.)
5. Product Policy (ECHA Regulation, REACH Directive, EU Ecolabel, CPR, etc.)
6. Transport and Logistics Policy (Sulphur content of marine fuels, Road safety directive, etc.)
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