Sustainable work and healthy ageing

On 15 April, the European Commission and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in cooperation with the Netherlands EU Presidency launched a two-year Europe-wide campaign: "Healthy Workplaces for All Ages", which is considered as the world's biggest campaign in promoting sustainable work and workplace safety and health in the context of the ageing workforce. The campaign focuses on Europe’s enterprises (both private and public), encouraging them to protect their workers’ health up to and beyond retirement age.

In particular, the campaign’s objectives are four:

  1. to promote sustainable work and healthy ageing from the beginning of working life;

  2. to highlight the importance of risk prevention throughout working life;

  3. to assist employers and workers (including in small and medium-sized enterprises) by providing information and tools for managing occupational safety and health in the context of an ageing workforce;

  4. to facilitate information and good practice exchange.

The Healthy Workplaces for All Ages 2016-17 campaign raises awareness of the importance of good occupational safety and health management and risk prevention throughout the working life and of tailoring work to individual abilities — whether at the start of a worker’s career or at its close.

The official website of this campaign is available here:

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