”Wood – resource of the 21st century”KOOPDREW CONFERENCE

The State Forests as well as the Polish wood industry have to face enormous challenges and conditions in which they currently operate may drastically change.

The State Forests are under a lot of pressure from the environmentalists, who think that the wood exploitation should be at its bare minimum. On the other hand, the industry has to deal with the deteriorating economic situation. Additionally, there is a concern that using wood, similarly to harvesting it, might be constricted.

Promoting wood as a material and an honest social education, which explains the principles of rational forest management that allows combining harvesting wood and protecting the environment, is essential for the wood-products industry to develop.

That is why it is wise to implement tested patterns and take a closer look at how others do it, also beyond the ocean. One should also get familiar with the situation of the wood industry in the whole European Union.

All of this information will be provided at KOOPDREW by international lecturers, who will present and discuss the aforementioned issues.

Speeches presented by the State Forests, including a speech by the General Director of the State Forests Konrad Tomaszewski will be especially interesting and attractive for the audience. Simultaneous translation into English will be provided.

During KOOPDREW there will be an attempt to answer the question of what should be done in order for the national wood industry factories to use all of their capacity. The alterations in the rules of changing wood will also be discussed.

Date and place of the meeting: 12th of September 2016, Congress Centre of Poznań International Fair  

Copy of the programme is available here:http://www.verband-crm.de/tmp_uploads/koopdrew_2016_agenda.pdf

The registration form:http://www.verband-crm.de/tmp_uploads/koopdrew_application_form_eng.pdf

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