EU Consultation on Modernising and Simplifying the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

As part of its working programme for 2017, the European Commission has launched a consultation  on simplification and modernisation of the CAP in order to maximise its contribution to the Commission's ten priorities and to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, “this will focus on specific policy priorities for the future, taking into account the opinion of the REFIT Platform and without prejudice to the next Multiannual Financial Framework. While the future of the CAP is already debated in various instances, the process will include a broad consultation and an impact assessment. The goal is to summarise available evidence on the performance of the CAP so far, draw lessons from the implementation of the latest reform, have a structured dialogue, confirm what the current difficulties are, and anticipate needs for modernisation and simplification of the CAP”.

The consultation questionnaire aims at contributing to the EU Commission impact assessment; the results of this consultation will be then published and communicated in a public conference in July 2017.

Questions related to forestry:

  • What do you see as major drivers for innovation in agriculture, forestry and the rural economy?
  • Which are the most important objectives for the CAP to better address climate change? (Fostering carbon conservation and sequestration in agriculture and forestry Promoting afforestation and sustainable forest management?
  • In which of the following areas do you consider that the CAP should strengthen its support to sustainable forest management?

This public consultation is open until the 2nd May 2017.

Further information and to reply to the consultation:

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