Public Consultation on the product scope of the EU Timber Regulation

On 29 January the EU Commission launched the “Public Consultation on the product scope of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)”.

As mentioned by the European Commission, following the evaluation of the effectiveness and functioning of the EUTR during its first two years of application, it was noted that the EUTR covers a significant number of timber products, but not all are included in its scope. The evaluation concluded that the European Commission may consider amending the product scope, subject to an impact assessment of options. The European Commission therefore undertook an impact assessment to analyse possible changes to the EUTR product scope.

The aim of this consultation is to gather views and evidence on possible changes to the EUTR product scope. The consultation is structured around the main question whether the current product scope of the EUTR should be amended or not – and if yes, to what extent.

The consultation questionnaire that is available in the 23 official EU languages (replies may be submitted in any of these languages as well) at the following website: 

Consultation period: 29 January 2018 – 24 April 2018.

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