Mid-Term Review of the Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy

On 13-14 February, EOS took part in the "Workshop on the Mid-Term Review of the Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy"

The Rovaniemi Action Plan proposes an overall vision, strategies and areas of activity to enhance the transition of the forest sector in the ECE region towards a green economy. It outlines concrete actions to support regional and national strategies that enhance the contribution of the forest sector to a green economy.

The ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section is currently undertaking the mid-term review of the Rovaniemi Action Plan. In this context, a workshop took place from 13-14 February 2018 which focused on the following issues:

  • Overview of the Rovaniemi Action Plan mid-term review.
  • Priorities for further implementation of the 5 pillars of the Rovaniemi Action Plan.
  • Recommendations for the further implementation of the Rovaniemi Action Plan and future action for the forest sector a green economy.

The official summary of the workshop can be downloaded  HERE.

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