Conclusions of the Environment Council

The Council adopted conclusions on climate change as part of the preparations for the UN Convention on Climate Change conference in Katowice in December (COP24). The conclusions aim at giving a strong political signal and narrative on the EU level of ambition in climate action. Ministers underlined that in order to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement all countries must enhance mitigation action in coherence with, among others, sustainable development and the protection of biodiversity. At COP24, the EU will urge all parties to accelerate preparations for the implementation of their respective nationally determined contributions.

Biodiversity. Environment ministers adopted conclusions on biodiversity. The conclusions contain the main elements of the EU position in view of the COP14 of the Convention on Biological Diversity which will be held in Egypt in November. The conclusions also cover the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety and the Nagoya Protocol on access and benefit sharing. Ministers expressed their deep concern that the natural resource base and ecosystem services that humanity depends upon are at high risk and that most pressures driving biodiversity loss continue to increase.

Further information:

Source: Council of the European Union

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