Wood for climate change – “Strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean Planet for all”

On 28 November, the EU Commission published a “Strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean Planet for all.”  

The strategy presented ahead of the UN climate summit (COP24) from 2 to 14 December in Katowice (Poland) outlines the EU vision for a deep economic and societal transformations, engaging all sectors of the economy and society, in order to achieve the transition to a climate-neutral economy. The new document does not set targets or propose new initiatives to be taken. Instead it seeks to ensure that this transition is socially fair and enhances the competitiveness of EU economy and industry on global markets, securing high quality jobs and sustainable growth in Europe. 

According to the Commission, in order to achieve a carbon neutral economy actions in seven strategic areas should be envisaged. The concerned sectors are: energy efficiency; deployment of renewables; clean, safe and connected mobility; competitive industry and circular economy; infrastructure and interconnections; bio-economy and natural carbon sinks; carbon capture and storage to address remaining emissions.

EOS is pleased to see that the Strategy recognises the contribution of wood products in tackling climate change. In particular:

  • New materials will play an important role as well, whether rediscovering traditional uses such as wood in construction, or new composites replacing energy intensive materials. Consumer choices will also matter for product demand”;
  • Sustainable biomass has an important role to play in a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy. Biomass can directly supply heat. When used in power generation, CO2 emitted can be captured creating negative emissions when stored. And it can substitute for carbon intensive materials, particularly in the building sector but also through new and sustainable bio-based products such as biochemicals (e.g. textiles, bioplastic and composites).

Copy of the new Strategy and complementary documents are available on the EU Commission website

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