The future of European Enviornment Policy – Towards an 8th Environment Action Programme.

Europe is aiming to steer capital flows towards sustainable investments to achieve Europe’s ambitious environment and climate objectives and better protection of its citizens against financial risks related to climate change and environmental degradation.

The 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) entitled 'Living well, within the limits of our planet' was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in November 2013 and covers the period up to 2020. It contains an ambitious vision for Europe to live well within ecological limits by 2050 and is structured into nine priority objectives within three overarching thematic priorities: Natural Capital; Resource-efficient, Green and Competitive Low Carbon Economy; and Healthy Environment for Healthy People. There remains much to be done to put the EU on the path to true sustainability in line with agreed SDGs. To reach this goal, the EU needs to intensify its collective efforts for a proper implementation of EU law, making use of the full potential of existing tools such as the EIR and the European Semester.

Information from the Presidency.

View the document

Source: Council of the European Union

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