#Wood4Climate Join the debate on 21 March 2019
On 21 March 2019, the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry invites all its Member to take part in the “FOREST CITY PROJECT”, event held in Brussels in order to inform policy makers about the environmental benefits of using sustainable wood materials.
With a new European Parliament and European Commission coming into office in 2019, now is the time to take stock, plan, and continue to ensure that forests and sustainable wood products are valued for their role in climate change mitigation.
- Theme of 2019 edition is “The Role of Forests in Advancing EU Climate Action”.
Join the debate on the UN International Day of Forests using #Wood4Climate
As recognized by the Paris Agreement, sustainably managed forests play a central role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Trees offer manifold environmental benefits: from the sequestering and storing of carbon, to stabilizing soil to prevent natural hazards and safeguarding provisions of clean water and air. As a renewable resource, forests are at the heart of a sustainable bio-based economy. Wood-based materials can act as carbon sinks and reduce carbon emissions, serving as a substitute to fossil-based materials and energy. Forest value chains provide a vast range of products from different wood components, feedstock materials and side streams. From providing biodegradable packaging materials to reduce plastic waste in our oceans, to transforming wood components into edible proteins or other ingredients—forests are the answer to a cleaner, brighter future.
The 2019 Forum will discuss:
- Biodiversity in cities
- Value of local, nearby and distant forests
- Advancing the bio-economy and wood based products
- Improving citizen health and well-being with clean air
- Integrating wood products and trees in buildings and cities
- Shaping policy for greater harmony with the environment
Practical information:
- What: The Role of Forests in Advancing EU Climate Action
- When: Thursday, 21 March 2019, 16:00-19:00
- Where: La Rotonde Bertouille, BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
- (Entrance on Rue Baron Horta 5, next to BOZAR Restaurant)
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BE-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 287 08 68
Email: info@eos-oes.eu