Prime Minister Rinne on the forest fires in Brazil
On Friday 23 August Prime Minister Antti Rinne published a statement on the forest fires in Brazil.
"Like millions of people around the world, I am very much concerned about the forest fires in Brazil. They are a threat to our whole planet, not just to Brazil or South America. When it comes to climate change, the situation is extremely serious and we need to act immediately
I contacted the European Commission yesterday evening, and I expect that the EU will take action today. The Finnish Government is following the events very closely.
Combatting climate change, as well as sustainable economic development and enhancing people’s wellbeing, are among the key priorities for my Government, whether in Finland, in Europe or globally. During its Presidency of the Council of the EU, Finland is making every effort to promote measures to combat climate change, and we are monitoring the situation particularly closely.
We will also discuss the situation in Brazil within the European Council. We must find out whether the Europeans have something to offer to Brazil to help prevent this kind of fires in the future. It goes without saying that in terms of climate change the world cannot sustain such fires.
Brazilian rainforests are vital for the world’s climate. I am truly worried about the attitude Brazil seems to have adopted right now regarding its own forests.
Brazil should do all it takes to end the fires that are a danger to our whole civilisation".
Presidency of the Council of the EU, Finland, is making every effort to promote measures to combat climate change, and we are monitoring the situation particularly closely.
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