Written Answer to Question: Subsidies for forestry management
Answer given by Mr Hogan on behalf of the European Commission to a question (Rule 138) by Stanislav Pol?ák (PPE) on ‘Subsidies for forestry management’.
"The Commission understands that the Honourable Member refers to the following two State aid schemes: SA.53912 (2019/N) (“Framework programme for risk and crisis management in the agricultural sector — compensation for damage caused by plant pests”) and SA.54137 (2019/N) (“Subsidy framework for granting contributions for the forest management”), which were formally notified to the Commission on 15 April 2019 and on 24 May 2019, respectively.
The State aid scheme SA. 53912 (2019/N) was approved by the Commission on 8 August 2019.
As regards the State aid scheme SA. 54137 (2019/N), some aspects still need to be clarified. Since the procedure is on-going, the Commission cannot provide more detailed information."
Question for written answer P-002357-19 to the Commission
Rule 138 Stanislav Pol?ák (PPE)
Subject: Subsidies for forestry management
"The Czech Republic, through its Ministry of Agriculture, is seeking to amend the subsidy framework for the provision of financial contributions to forestry management. According to information I have obtained, forest owners have long been awaiting a decision from the Commission on aid. As a consequence of this, and against the backdrop of a long drought and a catastrophe caused by bark beetles, forest owners are facing financial difficulties.
When was the application submitted by the Czech Ministry of Agriculture?
What is the reason for the delay? What requests for additional information has the Commission made with regard to this application?
My second question concerns a subsidy title for dealing with the consequences of bark beetle infestation, for which the Czech Republic applied for pre-notification. What is the status of the procedure and can it be expected that the application will be granted?
Given the extent of the damage caused by bark beetles and its implications for owners of damaged forests, this would be highly desirable."
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