Draft Council conclusions on the updated Bioeconomy Strategy

The Draft Council conclusions on the updated Bioeconomy Strategy “A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe: stenghtening the connection between economy, society and the environment” will be discussed in the Research Working Party on 4 November 2019.

Key elements of the DRAFT Council Conclusions/

  • The Council CALLS upon Member States to implement the updated European Bioeconomy Strategy without delay and upon the European Commission to facilitate such and drive forward the implementation of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy;
  • The Council INVITES the Commission to work with Member States on the exchange of good practices in the field of the bioeconomy. CALLS on the Commission to develop and implement, in collaboration with Member States, a comprehensive bioeconomy monitoring framework covering economic, environmental, and social dimensions, and make it publicly available via its Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy;
  • CALLS upon the incoming Commission to deliver a progress report and if appropriate with update of the action plan and/or the Strategy at the latest by 2022.

Draft Council Counclusions: HERE

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