COVI-19: EU guidance for a safe return to the workplace & EOS joint statement

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has issued a guidance on coming back to work.  The EU Commission attaches the greatest importance to ensuring that workers can return to the workplace in a safe and healthy environment. Therefore, the guidance issued today represents a crucial EU contribution in this important period.It also contains links to national information on specific sectors and occupations.The guidance covers several areas:

  • Risk assessment and appropriate measures
  • Involving workers
  • Taking care of workers who have been ill
  • Planning and learning for the future
  • Staying well informed
  • Information for sectors and occupations

Facing the Covid-19 outbreak, the Social Partners from the two recognized European Social Dialogues for the Woodworking sectors (CEI-Bois and EFBWW) and for the Furniture sectors (EFBWW, EFIC and UEA), and the Social sectorial Federations of the Wood Panel Industry (EPF) and the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) released a joint statement.
The undersigned European associations represent the European Woodworking and Furniture Industries, worth 1.7% of the EU GDP and employing more than 2 million Europeans, the 5th largest manufacturing sector in the EU in terms of employment. In light of these difficult times, we wish to reiterate our commitment to supporting public authorities to overcome this crisis.
They underline that the key priority and focus of the national, regional and local social partners of the Woodworking and Furniture Industries be on protecting a safe and healthy work environment for contractors, workers, owners and society. Jointly, we underline the need for a fast economic recovery and for measures to revitalise the sectors after the crisis.

Copy of the Joint Statement is available HERE.

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