68th International Softwood Conference (ISC) will be a digital one in 2020
The European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) and the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) announce that the 68th International Softwood Conference, originally planned in Helsinki from 6 to 9 October 2020, will now take place digitally in a compact form on 8 October 2020.
The Finnish Sawmill Association will be glad to host a physical International Softwood Conference in 2021.
The COVID?19 pandemic has disrupted trade and affected supply chains. It is not clear whether these actions are temporary, or if they will have a lasting impact. On occasion of the digital ISC 2020 Conference, high level speakers will offer the unique opportunity to discuss about how the post COVID
?19 timber market will look like.
The digital ISC conference will be held on 8 October and it will comprise a maximum of 4 hours, in which worldwide market reports and mainly forecasts will be presented. It is also planned to offer a
report on the banking sector and the European construction industry. The digital ISC 2020 will be moderated by the timber market expert, Keith Fryer.
Copy of the press release: HERE
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