New European Bauhaus
On 18 January, the EU Commission officially launched the New European Bauhaus Initiative.
Read the joint press release co-signed by EOS, CEI-Bois, FTP and FEP welcoming this new initiative and recalling the role of wood products in a sustainable living.
The New European Bauhaus is intended to be a bridge between the world of science and technology and the world of art and culture. It is about a new European Green Deal aesthetic combining good design with sustainability referring particularly to the way we live. The core values of the New European Bauhaus are thus sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness. The goal of the design phase is to use a co-creation process to shape the concept by exploring ideas, identifying the most urgent needs and challenges, and to connect interested parties. As one element of the design phase, this spring, the Commission will launch, the first edition of the New European Bauhaus prize. This design phase will lead to the opening of calls for proposals in autumn this year to bring to life New European Bauhaus ideas in at least five places in EU Member States, through the use of EU funds at national and regional level.
For further initiative on this project, please visit the official website:
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