DECLARATION: ‘The Future We Want: The Forests We Need’’
On 14 and 15 April, EOS attended the videoconference of the 8th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, organised by Forest Europe, where Representatives from 46 European countries, including the 27 EU Member States, gathered together. At the end of the conference, signatory parties of Forest Europe signed a Ministerial Declaration ‘The future we want: the forests we need' and a Ministerial Resolution ‘Adapting pan-European forests to climate change'.
These documents provide further commitment for cooperating on the protection and sustainable management of forests in the pan-European region. A comprehensive set of actions aim to further promoting sustainable forest management as well as to protect forests against the effects of climate change and enhance their resilience and health. Commissioner Wojciechowski, representing the European Commission, signed the Ministerial Declaration and the Resolution on behalf of the European Union.
Among other consideration, signatoires stated "forests and the forest-based sector are crucial for making our societies more sustainable and resilient. They represent great potential for sustainable economic and social development, generating green jobs, income and livelihoods, in particular in rural and peri-urban areas. The supply of renewable bio-based materials and products from sustainable sources provides benefits for society as a whole and contributes to climate neutrality, as well as to the development of local wood-based value chains."
Download the documents: HERE
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