Our (European) Union makes us stronger by Commissioner Breton

BLOG POSTBy Thierry Breton 27 August 2021

Our (European) Union makes us stronger

At a time when many are speaking out "against" things, I make a plea "for": "For" more Europe.

The pandemic has shown us how much our freedom, in our daily lives, can be disrupted; how much our union can be weakened. We can only fully enjoy our values and freedom, in the broadest sense, if they are backed by a strong Europe.

On a larger scale, the pandemic has also enabled us to understand that the corollary of our freedom is our autonomy. In a world that is increasingly intertwined, our dependencies, in times of crisis, become vulnerabilities.

Take the example of global supply chains. Until recently, some people believed them to be unshakable, whatever the circumstances.

This belief has been shattered by the reality of "China First" for masks or "America First" for vaccines. Our American partners have effectively blocked the supply chains of essential vaccine components.

It is only once the European Union equipped itself with an export authorisation tool that we were able to engage in a dialogue with the US administration to unblock supply chains, component by component, product by product, producer by producer.

There is no fatality. When Europe has the will to get together and march in close ranks, it succeeds. 

See the entire article HERE

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