Nature restoration in forests – Opportunities, issues and real-life examples
Join the Swedish Forest Industries – the Wood Be Better network, on 15 October to discuss the upcoming EU initiative on nature restoration targets.
In December 2021, the Commission will put forward a proposal for legally binding EU nature restoration targets, which will encompass forests. Depending on local conditions, the actual need for forest restoration will vary across Europe and much is already done by forest owners on voluntary basis as part of their sustainable management. Going forward, important aspects to consider are for instance:
What areas are to be restored and why?
How are the restoration results to be judged and by whom?
What happens to a forest area once restored?
Who is going to pay for the restoration?
How can voluntary actions be promoted before coercive measures?
13:00 – Welcome
Anna Holmberg, Director and Head of the Brussels office, Swedish Forest Industries.
Magnus Kindbom, Director, Federation of Swedish Family Forest Owners.
Opening Address
MEP Emma Wiesner. Member of European Parliament (Renew), Member of the ENVI and PECH Committees and Substitute in the AGRI, ITRE and ANIT Committees.
The EU Nature Restoration Plan – objectives, main features and timeline
Humberto Delgado Rosa, Director at the Directorate-General for the Environment, European Commission
The forest owner’s view on central planning
Sven-Erik Hammar, President of the Confederation of European Forest Owners
We already walk the talk – make sure the Plan allows us to continue to do that
Mette Kahlin McVeigh, Senior Vice President Public Affairs, Stora Enso
Discussion with the speakers
Moderated by Anna Holmberg.
14:30 – The end
To register and further information: Anki Frécon:
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