Briefing: Construction products Regulation: Revision of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011
Designed to improve the free movement of construction products in the EU internal market, the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) lays down harmonised conditions for the marketing of those products, provides a framework for a common technical language to assess their performance and sets out provisions on the use of CE marking. The Commission is planning to issue a proposal for a revision of the CPR by the end of March. The revision is expected to address the regulation's suboptimal performance and implementation difficulties revealed in the implementation and evaluation reports. The sustainability goals set in the Green Deal and circular economy action plan give further cause to revise the CPR. The construction sector has high potential for circularity and could therefore play an important role in the transition towards a resource efficient economy built on a regenerative growth model. In a recent resolution on the revision of the CPR, the European Parliament welcomed the goals of the circular economy action plan and called for an ambitious revision of the CPR. The recommendations made by the European Parliament have some points in common with those of other EU institutions and stakeholders, such as those underscoring the importance of a functioning harmonisation system and a comprehensive common technical language, the need for sustainability criteria for construction products and enhanced clarity of CE marking, and the need for more effective market surveillance.
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