Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings

On 25 October, energy ministers signed off on their general approach for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: all new buildings in the EU should be zero-emissions by 2030, while existing buildings should have to meet rising minimum performance standards.

Existing privately owned residential buildings would have to cut primary energy use to reach a national average of class D by 2033, ministers agreed. Governments would then have to set a target for 2040, with their own renovation rates, based on a national energy use trajectory compatible with reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Council has also included a requirement for new large public and non-residential buildings (more than 250 m2) to have solar PV installed, “on the basis of the solar irradiance of the site”, by the end of 2026. That requirement would extend to existing public and non-residential buildings larger than 400 m2 from 2028 when they undergo major renovation, and to all new residential buildings from 2030.

In a declaration accompanying the general approach, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland pledged to push for higher energy performance standards during trilogue negotiations with the European Parliament.

MEPs are yet to finalise their position on the EPBD revision.

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