The implementation of the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030

Source: Agriculture Council

Main results – New EU Forest Strategy 2030

Agriculture ministers discussed the progress made so far on implementation of the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030, as well as measures that could be taken both at national and EU level to enhance its efficiency. Ministers also exchanged views on how to enhance cooperation between the Commission, member states and stakeholders, so as to ensure effective implementation of the strategy and to guarantee an inclusive and coherent forest governance framework in the EU.

Forests and other wooded land cover more than 43.5 % of the EU and are essential for the health and well-being of Europeans. Forests play a key role in our economy and society, creating jobs and providing food, medicine, materials, clean water, and other resources. They are also a natural ally in adapting to and combating climate change. With the rise of climate-change-induced challenges, the Commission put forward a New EU Forest Strategy for 2030 on 16 July 2021, in line with the European Green Deal and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. On 15 November 2021, agriculture ministers adopted conclusions on the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030 and invited the Commission to report annually to the Council on its implementation.

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