The JRC Forest Carbon Model: description of EU-CBM-HAT

ABSTRACT. The forest carbon model EU-CBM-HAT enables the assessment of forests CO2 emissions and removals under scenarios of forest management, natural disturbances, forest-related conversions and roundwood destinations (industrial roundwood and fuelwood). This model provides for a rule-based harvest distribution based on standing availability in each time step simulated, i.e. status of forest, and applicable silvicultural practices, e.g. eligible age range, periodicity, intervention intensity. eu_cbm_hat core package integrates three packages: libcbm (as a C++ rewrite of CBM-CFS3 Version 1.2) as the forest growth and disturbances simulator (developed by Forest Carbon Accounting team of the Canadian Forest Service), “COMBO”, as the tool for combination of scenarios, and “HAT”, as the harvest allocation tool (both in Python, developed by the JRC). The eu_cbm_hat is open-source (released and maintained by the JRC), with a dependency to open-source libcbm (released and maintained by CFS). The development incorporated into EU-CBM-HAT provides for an increased transparency of the modelling chain for forest-related applications associated with GHG reporting and mitigation strategies. The model was designed to support policy formulation, implementation and evaluation as well as scientific investigations. This report provides both for the scientific background behind the development and the user guidance (building on CBM-CFS3 user’s guide).

Source: JRC Publications – further information HERE

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