New European Bauhaus a major catalyst of the European Green Deal, funding to be scaled up further

On 17th February 2023, the Commission presented the first New European Bauhaus (NEB) Progress Report taking stock of the achievements in the initiative’s first two years as well as the first assessment tool for NEB project: the NEB Compass. The New European Bauhaus has created a broad community of organisations and citizens all around Europe working around a common vision combining sustainability, inclusion, and aesthetics. Key NEB activities – including the NEB Prizes, the first Festival, the NEB Lab – are delivering on their aims and have built a bottom-up transnational network. Thanks to over €100 million in European funding already allocated, small and large-scale NEB projects are now underway all-around Europe. The Commission will also scale up funding with a further €106 million in dedicated Horizon Europe funds alone for 2023-24.

A NEB movement

The initiative has grown into a movement with an active and growing community from all EU Member States and beyond.

With over 600 official partner organisations ranging from EU wide networks to local initiatives, the NEB reaches millions of citizens. The initiative is bringing together people from various backgrounds – from art and design, cultural and creative industries, cultural heritage institutions, to educators, scientists and innovators, businesses, local and regional authorities, and citizen initiatives.

Since the start, the NEB has encouraged and inspired local, regional, and national actors to create their own NEB initiatives. To offer transparent access to information on New European Bauhaus dedicated calls, beneficiaries and its community members, the Commission has created the NEB Dashboard, a comprehensive database in the form of an interactive map.

Source: European Commission


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