MEPs of environment committee vote down the Nature Restoration Law
Official source: Press Releases ENVI – 27-06-2023
Following a lengthy vote, there is no majority amongst MEPs on the Environment committee for the Commission’s proposal as amended for a Nature Restoration Law.
Following votes on amendments to the Commission’s proposal on Thursday 15 June and continued on Tuesday 27 June, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety finally rejected the proposed EU nature restoration law as amended. The final vote was 44 votes in favour, 44 against and 0 abstentions, falling short of a majority in favour.
Next steps
The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will table to plenary the proposal to reject the Commission’s proposal. Parliament as a whole is then required to take a position, probably in the July plenary session in Strasbourg pending approval of the agenda by the Conference of Presidents.
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