Horizon Europe 2024 calls for proposals: EUR 120 million available for R&I on the circular economy

The research and innovation (R&I) activities under Horizon Europe Cluster 6 aim to reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity on land and in inland waters and seas and better manage natural resources through transformative changes in the economy and society in both urban and rural areas. They will also accelerate the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient circular economy and sustainable bioeconomy, including forestry.

The new Horizon Europe Cluster 6 calls for proposals related to the circular economy will be open for submissions between 17 October 2023 and 22 February 2024. EUR 120 million will be available in the form of grants to cover safe, integrated circular solutions at regional and sectoral levels for important material flows and product value chains.

Learn more: Horizon Europe 2024 calls for proposals: EUR 120 million available for R&I on the circular economy | European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (europa.eu)

Source: European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

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