The European biomass puzzle Challenges, opportunities and trade-offs around biomass production and use in the EU

EEA Report No 8/2023This report looks at how biomass can help us reach our climate and environmental objectives, and how climate change might affect the EU’s biomass production in agriculture and forest sectors. It also discusses key synergies and trade-offs in the use of biomass for different policy objectives.


How does policymaking impact biomass production and consumption?
EU policy has a fundamental role to play in how we use and manage biomass. It
influences demand for biomass as a resource in different sectors and strengthens
competition for it. Our analysis of policies under the European Green Deal shows
that policy targets demand that biomass fulfils specific roles, which can be
conflicting. This may increase the gap between biomass demand and supply by the
EU’s agricultural and forestry lands in the future if the appropriate policy incentives
are not put in place. Ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets
set under the EU’s Fit for 55 package are connected to many sectoral policies. Using
biomass as a substitute for fossil fuels and other carbon-intensive materials can
support the decarbonisation process in the energy, transport and building sectors,
for example

Source: European Environmental Agency

The European Biomass Puzzle — European Environment Agency (

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