Biomanufacturing, the circular bioeconomy and the European woodworking and sawmill industries

In the framework of the recently adopted “Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU”, EOS & CEI-Bois published a flyer on “Biomanufacturing, the circular bioeconomy and the European woodworking and sawmill industries”.

With this flyer, we want to communicate the role and commitment of our sector in a more sustainable and competitive EU economy.

A bioeconomy refers to the production and consumption of biomass-based goods, services, and energy. It encompasses biomanufacturing sectors such as forestry, pulp and paper production, agriculture, fisheries and the food industry. It also covers parts of the chemical,
pharmaceutical, biotechnological and energy industries as well as the manufacturing of cellulose-based textiles. The vision for a dynamic and successful European circular bioeconomy entails a system where materials, chemicals and energy are based on renewable biological resources that allow economies to move away from fossil-based inputs.”….”We should remind ourselves that some of the
more well-established bio-based products have already substituted for huge quantities of fossil fuel based products thereby preventing
the level of GHG emissions from being even higher than they already are. Many of these products, especially in the construction industry, have been storing carbon for decades or centuries preventing the carbon returning into the atmosphere and instead growing the existing product-based carbon sink. …..”


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