JRC Technical Report: Circular technologies in construction

Source: European Commission (JRC)


The report emphasizes the importance of standardisation in promoting circular construction and the circular economy. It discusses the need for future standardisation and pre-normative research for circular construction in terminology, metrology, such as indicators, performance characterisation, compatibility and operability assessments.  Several opportunities for synergies are uncovered, such as collaboration between the New European Bauhaus and circular construction. The report presents a gap analysis carried out by CEN/TC350 on circularity in the construction sector and emphasizes the importance to overcome cradle-to-grave construction frameworks. Strategies to bridge these gaps include enhancing standardisation, collaboration, and innovation. Four strategic areas could benefit from standardisation: a) frameworks and indicators to measure circularity, b) quality assurance of reused and recycled material, end-of-waste criteria, c) design for circularity, adaptability and disassembly, and d) building information. The report also highlights the need for clear objectives, focused standards, cost-effectiveness, common future scenarios, resource indicators, and practical implementation aspects to advance circularity in the construction industry. The recommendations provided aim to guide future standardisation activities, aligning with circular principles to drive industry competitiveness and environmental stewardship. Taking first steps towards a standardisation roadmap, the study highlights specific areas that CEN/TC 350 may consider in their future work programme and suggests high priority topics based on discussions with stakeholders.

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