Programme of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the Second Half of 2024

The Programme of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union can be downloaded HERE.

In the spot light:

SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY play an important role in combating climate change and protecting biodiversity and nature, thus preserving the values of our planet. An exchange of views will be organised on how the new green architecture of the current CAP contributes to achieving these goals. The Hungarian Presidency aims to continue negotiations on legislative proposals relating to plant and forest reproductive materials, forest monitoring, the protection of animals during transport, new genomic techniques and the welfare of dogs and cats. Hungary is committed to significantly reducing food waste on all levels of the food supply chain. We will continue to place special emphasis on the issue of reducing food waste throughout the Hungarian Presidency. Accordingly, we will present various national programmes and good practices to reduce food waste, from Hungary and other Member States during an international conference in Budapest in October 2024. Furthermore, a thematic event on soil conservation will be organised with the involvement of BIOEAST countries to celebrate Soil Day and the conclusion of the International Decade of Soils.

INDUSTRIAL POLICY. The Hungarian Presidency wishes to embrace the need for a new, common industrial strategy with the broad involvement of industry players. In this context, we intend to explore the need for targeted, European-level intervention
to strengthen the competitiveness of businesses. In order to maintain the development of the European automotive industry, putting
essential measures on the agenda that support the market for electric vehicle production will be of utmost importance during the Hungarian Presidency, taking into account the European climate goals, the significant impact of European production on EU growth, and the growth of the internal market for electric cars. The European manufacturing ecosystem of net-zero energy technologies should be reinforced, including by stimulating investment, facilitating market access for new technologies and implementing skills and innovation programmes.
A skilled workforce is key to ensuring successful transition, supporting the competitiveness of European industry, and creating quality jobs.
Efforts to ensure secure and adequate access to clean energy at competitive prices in the internal market will be central to better positioning the industrial strengths of the EU during the transition.
The Hungarian Presidency intends to address the issue of new technologies with a horizontal, cross-industry approach. The development of a technology-neutral industrial strategy requires continuous consultation with industry players.

SME POLICY.  Micro, small, and medium-size enterprises play a key role in boosting European economic performance and have significant job creation potential. At the same time, the economic difficulties of recent years have highlighted their exposure to supply chains and their difficulties in managing the energy crisis. Continuing the work started by the trio partners, the Hungarian Presidency is also committed to developing SMEs and making them more resilient to crises, reducing their additional burdens, improving the quality of the related regulations, and introducing supporting measures.

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