Presidency report on work towards a new European Competitiveness Deal

Ahead of the European Council on 27-28 June, delegations will find attached a Presidency report on work towards a new European competitiveness deal.

…”Building on a debate in March 2024 by the COMPET Council on the future of the EU’s industrial policy, COMPET ministers approved on 24 May conclusions on a competitive European industry driving our green, digital and resilient future. Those conclusions analyse the situation of the EU’s industrial sector and explore ways to improve innovation, access to finance and the business environment for enterprises. Ministers notably called for a comprehensive, future-oriented and proactive European industrial policy framework that is aligned with the overarching long-term policy priorities of the Union, in particular its green, digital and innovation priorities, thereby offering European industry greater predictability and equipping it with an appropriate toolbox to attract, scale up and maintain businesses within the Union’s borders, while at the same time fostering high-quality jobs throughout Europe. The concerns expressed by industry and trade unions in the February 2024 Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal also fed into the preparations for these Council conclusions.“…

Full document: HERE

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