JRC Technical Report: Bioeconomy knowledge base: an online library to support EU policymaking

The bioeconomy covers all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources (animals, plants, micro-organisms and derived biomass, including organic waste), their functions and principles. Compiling a robust information or evidence base is an essential component of better policymaking and one of the actions of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy is to enhance information and the knowledge base on the bioeconomy, including sustainable biomass supply and demand, and forward looking, cross-sectoral assessments, and to make this information accessible through the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy. Data, information and knowledge related to the bioeconomy are being produced at an accelerated pace and as the amount of available knowledge increases, the more pressing becomes the need to manage this knowledge. This means that knowledge needs to be properly captured, organised, stored, and shared and disseminated.

DOCUMENT · 21 Jun 2024 · Source: European Commission (JRC)

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