Harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products

Report from the Commission on the outcome of the evaluation of the relevance of the tasks set out in Article 31(4) that receive Union financing pursuant to Article 34(2) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC.

The Construction Products Regulation (the CPR) regulates the internal market for construction products. It aims for free movement in the sense of Article 8(4) of the CPR. The CPR has been applied fully since July 2013. This report analyses how the European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA) has carried out the tasks for which it has received EU grants. This entails assessing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value for these tasks. Article 34(2) of the CPR requires the European Commission to evaluate the relevance of the tasks set out in Article 31(4) that receive EU financing against EU policies and legislation requirements and to inform the European Parliament and the Council of the outcome of this evaluation. These are the tasks assigned to EOTA, which is the organisation of Technical Assessment Bodies.

Download the Report: HERE

Source: European Commission

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