Conclusions on the updated Bioeconomy Strategy “A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment” – Adoption

Competitiveness Council – 29 November 2019
Conclusions on the updated EU bioeconomy strategy

Source: EU Council

Key messages of the Finnish Presidency on occasion of the Competitiveness Council

  • the Presidency outlined the key features of the EU bioeconomy strategy. Firstly, the strategy set out to reduce pressure on the environment whilst ensuring the EU’s competitiveness and securing a fair and inclusive transition for all;
  • Need for less dependency on fossil-based products, thus helping to achieve EU climate targets;
  • furthermore, the bioeconomy can provide opportunities in sustainable growth throughout Europe, in rural, urban and coastal areas;
  • today, the bioeconomy represented 10% of the EU’s economy. The  Presidency is  convinced that biomass had the potential to replace fossil resources throughout the value chains, in particular the plastic, chemicals and energy sectors;
  • a broader perspective is needed in order to further increase the availability of bio-based materials, for example through:
    • increased resource-efficiency;
    • better use of side streams and bio-waste;
    • new production crops;
    • enhanced forest biomass yield per hectare.
  • in the long-term, a sustainable and circular economy must be considered, as well as the role of bio-based value chains within it in order to allow for the best product and material longevity;
  • consumer behaviour and product design are  key elements in this regard.

Copy of the Conclusions on the updated EU bioeconomy strategy is available HERE.

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