EU Recovery Package: Repair and prepare for the next generation
29 May 2020 – Source: European Commission
The European Commission has put forward its proposal for a major recovery plan. To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, the European Commission is proposing to create a new recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, embedded within a powerful, modern and revamped long-term EU budget. The Commission has also unveiled its adjusted Work Programme for 2020, which will prioritise the actions needed to propel Europe’s recovery and resilience.
Reported below the legislative proposals that might have a direct and/or an indirect impact on the Sawmill Industry:
- Renovation wave (non-legislative, Q3 2020);
- 8 th Environmental Action Programme (legislative initiative – Q4 2020)
- The European Climate Pact (non-legislative, Q4 2020)
- 2030 Climate Target Plan (non-legislative, incl. impact assessment, Q3 2020);
- New EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (non-legislative, Q1 2021);
- New EU Forest Strategy (non-legislative, Q1 2021)
- Empowering the consumer for the green transition (legislative, incl. impact assessment, Q2 2021)
Useful documents:
Recovery Plan Communication: “Europe’s moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation”
View the Commission Staff Working Document
EU Budget Communication: “The EU budget powering the recovery plan for Europe”
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