JRC Report: Substantial contribution to climate change mitigation – a framework to define technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomyhange mitigation – a framework to define technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomy
This report is an input to the work underlying the first delegated act under the Taxonomy Regulation, relating to activities making a substantial contribution to the first two objectives set out in the Regulation: climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. This first delegated act should be adopted by the European Commission at the beginning of 2021. Building on the experience gained from working with the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) and on the set of recommendations the TEG provided to the European Commission, this report elaborates the concept of substantial contribution to an environmental objective and classifies the types of substantial contribution that an economic activity can make. It then illustrates which approaches can be used to define substantial contribution to climate change mitigation and elaborates on the conditions of applicability of each suggested approach.
View here the Report.
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