IUFRO-Mondi Partnership – third Think-Thank Meeting – 15-16 June 2023 Vienna (AT)
On 15-16 June 2023, the IUFRO-Mondi Partnership is holding its third Think-Thank Meeting in physical format in Vienna, Austria.
The IUFRO-Mondi Partnership is a Science – Business Platform that aims to better understand climate change impacts and to identify response measures in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Think-Thank Meeting provides a platform for scientists and business representatives to meet and address crucial issues along the forest-based value chain. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange insights and discuss climate change impacts on forests and future challenges and identify potential response options.
During the Think-Thank Meeting, the IUFRO-Mondi Partnership will share preliminary findings of a new own study on the future of forest goods and services in Europe. Participants will then be invited to provide feedback on the emerging findings and thereby contribute to shaping the final study output.
Interested Members can register for the event by directly notifying Mr Daniel Boehnke (boehnke@iufro.org) as soon as possible.