Briefing: Forest reproductive material

Source: Think Tank -EU Parliament

On 5 July 2023, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation on the production and marketing of forest reproductive material (FRM) to replace the current FRM Council Directive. The proposal would widen the scope of the current legislation to include not only FRM intended for forestry purposes, but also FRM intended for biodiversity conservation, restoration of forest ecosystems and climate adaptation and mitigation. The proposal would specify the rules for the production and marketing of FRM intended for conserving forest genetic resources and would for the first time require that potential buyers be provided with information on the suitability of FRM for current and future climatic and ecological conditions. Member States would have to establish contingency plans to ensure a sufficient supply of FRM in cases of extreme weather events, wildfires and disease and pest outbreaks. In the European Parliament, the file has been referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, where discussions on the rapporteur’s draft report are ongoing. In the Council, the proposal is being examined by the working party on genetic resources and innovation in agriculture. First edition. The ‘EU Legislation in Progress’ briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.

Read the briefing on the Forest reproductive material

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