International Hardwood Conference

The French Fédération Nationale du Bois, together with the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) and the European Timber Federation (ETTF), invite you to save the date for one for the most eagerly awaited even in the Hardwood World.

On 28 October 2022 the International Hardwood Conference will take place in Lyon, the vibrant city in South Eastern France. The Conference will be anticipated on October 27 by a day of visit to two first-class companies which will surely attract the interest of many participants.

After the visits to the companies the traditional welcome cocktail will take place, then the conference will officially start the following morning and will be followed, as usual, by a gala dinner in a fascinating venue. More information will follow in the coming months.

The conference will offer the opportunity to analyze trends in the timber market focusing on topics of interests for the hardwood industry. While the pandemic and the present geopolitical turmoil have had strong repercussions on the hardwood business and the wider economy, the conference will focus also on the future as the challenges and opportunities for the traders and sawmillers alike are abundant. The markets will be deeply scrutinized, as well as the availability of raw materials, the customer industries and research and innovation relevant for the sector.

More information on the conference will follow in due course. Stay tuned!