Legal notes2023-02-27T12:23:28+01:00

Legal notes

European Organisation of Sawmill Industry
Rue Montoyer 24/box 20
BE-1000 Brussels

Tel.: +32 2 556 25 97
Fax: +32 2 287 08 75

Concept and realization

Exclusion of liability:

Liability for content

The content of our site has been created with the greatest of care. However, we are unable to assume liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this site according to general law, pursuant to § 7 para.1 TMG. However, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we, as service provider, are not obliged to monitor third-party information transferred to us or saved by us, or to research circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Commitments to the removal or blocking of use of information according to general law remains unaffected by this. However, liability regarding this is only possible from the time point of awareness of a specific infringement. Where we are made aware of corresponding infringements we shall promptly remove this content.

Liability for links

Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, over whose content we have no influence. We are therefore unable to provide any guarantee for this third-party content. Responsibility for the content of the linked sites always lies with the respective provider or operator of the sites. The linked sites were checked for possible infringements at the time of the link being established. Illegal content was not recognisable at the time of linking. However, without specific indication of an infringement, permanent control of the content of linked sites cannot be reasonably expected. Where we are made aware of corresponding infringements we shall promptly remove such links.


The content and work on the pages created by the site operators are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of utilisation beyond the limits of copyright law require the written authorisation of the respective author or creator. Copies and downloads from this website may only be used for private and non-commercial purposes. If the content on this site has not been created by the operator, then third-party copyright shall be observed. In particular, third-party content is indicated as such. Should you nevertheless note a breach of copyright, please inform us of this accordingly. Where we are made aware of corresponding infringements we shall promptly remove such links.



Rue Montoyer 40
BE-1000 Brussels

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