The primary goal of EOS is to further the interests of the European sawmilling sector and to this end, it aims to influence EU policy-making. It is the main body representing and defending the interests of the European sawmill industry towards the European Union.
The mission of the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry is:
To assure synergy between its members
To defend the interests of the sector
To submit positions and resolutions
To monitor information to and from members
To carry out studies (social, economical, and environmental)
To coordinate the promotion of the use of wood
The main objective of EOS is to deal with all the issues concerning
the European timber processing industry, especially to:
Represent and defend the common interests of its members before international bodies and, if necessary, in co-operation with its members, before national authorities
Provide a good and permanent relationship between the trade organisations which are members
Develop all activities in favour of European produced timber products, in particular in the fields of promotion, research, standardisation and trade policy
Analyse the economic, social and technical developments regarding the primary timber processing