
JRC Technical Report: Estimating future emissions from land use, land use change and forestry

Source:European Commission - JRC Publications Repository Although complex systems such as land systems cannot be fully represented with models, they stimulate discussion that can help understand the potential risks of trade-offs between ecosystem services when there are pressures on land-based systems. We are building upon a flexible and modular spatially-explicit [...]


European Green Deal: New EU-Norway Green Alliance to deepen cooperation on climate, environment, energy and clean industry

On April 24, the EU and Norway have established a Green Alliance to strengthen their joint climate action, environmental protection efforts, and cooperation on the clean energy and industrial transition. The EU-Norway Green Alliance will focus on some priority areas. The most relevant ones from the point of view of [...]


Deforestation Regulation

On 19 April, the European Parliament adopted during its plenary session, the provisional agreement on a “Regulation on making available on the Union market as well as export from the Union of certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation” (EUDR) with a strong majority of 552 votes [...]


Towards a comprehensive strategy for the EU wood industry

The EESC's Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) is preparing a new Initiative Opinion on "Towards a comprehensive strategy for the EU wood industry". "Our forests are more than carbon sinks but are a vital source of raw materials to our bio-based industries. The pulp and paper industries and other [...]


Timber construction can help reduce CO2 emissions

On 22 March 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted its Opinion on "Wooden construction for CO2 reduction in building sector". The EESC considers that:  An increase in the use of sustainable wood in construction, especially in public buildings, is essential to reduce carbon emissions and must be promoted [...]


3.6 million people worked in forest-based activities

Forest ecosystems provide numerous benefits for society: besides providing timber for construction or fuel, forests play a crucial role in cleaning the air and water and preventing floods. They also offer a home for wildlife as well as a place for recreation and relaxation. Forests are natural providers of services [...]


EU forests: Commission adopts new guidelines to support tree planting actions and to protect old-growth forests

On 21 March, the Commission published two sets of guidelines to support the implementation of the New Forest Strategy, within the broader framework of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, while supporting the general EU agenda on biodiversity by contributing to our commitments under the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (UN [...]


New European Bauhaus: launch of capacity-building programme to start Ukraine’s reconstruction

On 16 March the EU Commission launched the New European Bauhaus capacity-building programme for the reconstruction of Ukraine in partnership with Ukrainian organisations. This follows the meeting between the College and the Ukrainian Government held in Kyiv on 2 February, the EU–Ukraine Summit of 3 February, as well as Commissioner [...]




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