Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings
On 25 October, energy ministers signed off on their general approach for the Energy Performance...
Europe’s beech forests threatened by climate change
A new study finds that climate change could significantly reduce beech trees’ growth across most...
Commission work programme 2023
On 18 October 2022, the European Commission adopted its 2023 Commission work programme setting...
Event: Building the Bioeconomy together: How renewable materials can make Europe an industrial leader (Brussels, 10 November 2022)
The seminar focuses on how wood-based products and smart forest management can contribute to...
Commission Adoption: European Year of Skills 2023
In order to boost competitiveness of European companies, in particular SMEs, to realise the full...
Building the bioeconomy with nature-based materials and solutions within the New European Bauhaus
READ HERE the report from the Wood4Bauhaus Alliance side event held Friday 7th October at the...
JOIN US:Building the bioeconomy with nature-based materials and solutions within the New European Bauhaus
The Wood4Bauhaus Alliance is organising a side event on occasion of the European Bioeconomy...
Why mass timber is having a moment in construction
Source: Construction21 International
Humans have discovered new and sustainable ways to...
Wood4Bauhaus Alliance welcomes the European Parliament’s Report on the New European Bauhaus
14.09.22 Wood4Bauhaus Alliance Press Release.
Today’s adoption by the European Parliament of...
New EU Forest Strategy welcomed by the European Wood Industries
The European woodworking industries find much to welcome in the new EU forest strategy passed on...
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