Canada officially launches challenge on U.S. duties on softwood lumber
Source: CanGov/Fordaq
On Monday, August 29, Canada filed notice that it will challenge, under...
Prediction of greenhouse gas emissions for cities and local municipalities monitoring their advances to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Under the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) initiative, cities present their action plans...
EU Consultation on new EU framework for forest monitoring and strategic plans
The Commission launched an online public consultation on the upcoming legislative proposal for a...
EVENT:How can we strengthen the contribution of forests in reaching EU climate goals?
How can we strengthen the contribution of forests in reaching EU climate goals?
20 September...
Briefing: EU economic developments and projections
This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and...
Call for Wood Construction Innovations
The Bioregions Facility has kicked off its second series of Forestry Speed Dating events on the...
Grant to boost adoption of sustainable mass timber in construction
Built by Nature, a network and grant-making organisation with a mission to accelerate the timber...
Czech Presidency
On 1 July, the Czech Republic took over from France the rotating Presidency of the EU Council...
Commission Adoption: Protecting biodiversity – nature restoration targets under EU biodiversity strategy (Nature Restoration Law)
The proposal on protecting biodiversity is one of the key measures announced in the Biodiversity...
Commission and European Investment Bank launch two new financial instrument schemes for REPowerEU and the New European Bauhaus
The European Commission Directorate for Regional and Urban policy and the European Investment...
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