
CRCF Online Workshop: Carbon Storage Certification of Buildings (Online, 24 September 2024)

The European Commission, under the framework of the Carbon Removal and Carbon Farming (CRCF) Regulation, is working towards establishing an EU voluntary framework for certifying carbon removals. This includes carbon farming, carbon storage in products, and carbon storage in buildings. Supported by an Expert Group on carbon removals, the Commission [...]


Proportionality of EU rules in the forestry sector

Question for written answer  E-001495/2024 to the Commission Rule 144 Alexander Bernhuber (PPE) The regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) introduced far-reaching rules on forestry which could be seen to be disproportionate. 1.How does the Commission justify introducing uniform definitions and common categories of forests, which are to apply in different [...]


Commission presents New European Bauhaus (NEB) Investment Guidelines to help investors align projects with NEB’s transformative vision

On 29 July, the European Commission has adopted the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Investment Guidelines, a tool to illustrate how public and private investments can integrate the values of sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics promoted by the NEB to transform Europe's built environment. The NEB Investment Guidelines result from close cooperation between the Commission [...]


France joins the group of “EU forestry Member States”

France has joined the EU Forest Member States group, which operates under the name For Forest+. The main objective of the group is to develop informal cooperation on forest-related issues, exchange information and best practices, and seek common positions on forest policy issues in line with sustainable forest management. Previously, [...]


European Agriculture and Forestry: the backbone of a competitive, sovereign and prosperous EU

On 15th July, the chairman of today’s AGRIFISH Council, Mr. István NAGY, Minister of Agriculture of Hungary presented the presidency’s work programme for the coming semester, outlining the main priorities in the field of agriculture and fisheries. During the meeting, the majority of the member states supported the Austrian proposal [...]


Statement on export controls and restrictions against Russia

As part of our regular consultations on export control cooperation, the European Commission hosted a meeting with counterparts from Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States on 10 July 2024, to discuss ongoing efforts to align and enhance our export restriction measures imposed in response to Russia’s illegal invasion of [...]


Belgium at a glance: six months of presidency

30 June marks the official end of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU. With summer upon us, we can look back on a successful semester with significant results and connecting events. On 1 July, Hungary will take over the presidency torch for the second half of 2024. [...]


EUDR – Peter Liese: Goal correct, but implementation far too bureaucratic / Letter from Biden administration shows urgency

“The European Commission absolutely must postpone the entry into force of the deforestation regulation and then use the transitional period to reduce bureaucracy in the text," demanded Dr. Peter Liese, environmental spokesperson for the largest political group in the European Parliament (EPP, Christian Democrats). The aim of the regulation is [...]


JRC Technical Report: Bioeconomy knowledge base: an online library to support EU policymaking

The bioeconomy covers all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources (animals, plants, micro-organisms and derived biomass, including organic waste), their functions and principles. Compiling a robust information or evidence base is an essential component of better policymaking and one of the actions of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy is [...]




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