
Level(s) and the new EPBD

As part of the revised rules – adopted in April - buildings professionals will need to disclose the global warming potential (GWP) of new buildings on energy performance certificates, using a calculation measure drawn from Level(s). The updated rules will come into effect from 2028, for new buildings with a useful floor [...]


Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1399 of 10 November 2023 on the conditions for classification, without testing, of solid wood panelling and cladding with regard to their reaction to fire and amending Decision 2006/213/EC

The Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1399 of 10 November 2023 on the conditions for classification, without testing, of solid wood panelling and cladding with regard to their reaction to fire and amending Decision 2006/213/EC, was published in the Official Journal of the EU L 2024/1399 on the 22nd of May [...]


Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of multilayered wood flooring, originating in the People’s Republic of China

The European Commission (‘the Commission’) has received a complaint pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union (‘the basic Regulation’), alleging that imports of multilayered [...]


JRC Technical Report: Circular technologies in construction

Source: European Commission (JRC)   The report emphasizes the importance of standardisation in promoting circular construction and the circular economy. It discusses the need for future standardisation and pre-normative research for circular construction in terminology, metrology, such as indicators, performance characterisation, compatibility and operability assessments.  Several opportunities for synergies are [...]


Too many jobs for too few workers?

Source: European Labour Authority The European labour market is tightening, in spite of slower economic growth. Many companies are now competing for workers. Sectors such as construction and engineering crafts, healthcare and ICT occupations are among the most affected. These are some of the insights of the sixth edition of [...]


Deforestation Regulation – Answer in writing Priority question for written answer Alexander Bernhuber (PPE)

Priority question for written answer  P-000819/2024 to the Commission Rule 138 Alexander Bernhuber (PPE) 1. The Commission president publicly announced the aim to reduce administrative burdens for farmers where possible. When and in which way will the planned massive additional administrative burdens, costs and restrictions for farmers and forest owners [...]


The bioeconomy must stand out at the core of the next European Commission’s work programme

Information from the Finnish delegation, on behalf of the Austrian, Finnish, Slovenian and Swedish delegations, and supported by the Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian and Slovak delegations. Extract: "The European Commission and its new work programme will play a key role in promoting the EU's [...]




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