Biocides: ECHA Consultation on Propiconazole authorisation
The biocidal substance Propiconazole (used mainly to treat windows and doors against fungal...
Parliamentary question: Timber exports
Priority question for written answer P-002941/2021 to the Commission
MEP Engin Eroglu...
JRC Report: Comparing reported forest biomass gains and losses in European and global datasets
"Net CO2 emissions and sequestration from European forests are the result of removal and growth...
NextGenerationEU: European Commission endorses Member States’ recovery and resilience plans
European Commission endorsed Spain, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Austria,...
New EU Forest Strategy for 2030
Source: EU Commission
What is the new EU Forest Strategy post 2020?
Forests are an essential ally...
Thünen Report on VOC emissions
Wood products can emit volatile organic compounds (VOC). In the scientific literature, data on...
Fit for 55 delivering EU’s 2030 climate targets
On 14th July, the European Commission adopted a package of proposals to make the EU's climate,...
EFI Policy Brief on Forest Biodiversity
Source: EFI
Biodiversity will be an important aspect in the upcoming new EU Forest Strategy.
Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU
On 1 July 2021, Slovenia took over the presidency of the Council of the EU.
The presidency...
A new EU-China strategy
Source: EU Parliament
Through this report, the European Parliament intends to formulate a set of...
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